Monday, August 3, 2009

Unbreakable Love

Not gone
Not lost
Not broken
No, my love is still here
Always will be for the sweetness that is God’s gift to men
Women, of course
Of whom a dozen roses is never enough to honor
For roses, while symbolic and heart-touching in nature
Will eventually wilt, die if you will
But love
You know, the knee-buckling type love
And, uh, well, let’s keep it real, love that causes particular body parts to arouse
Love, yes love that is realLove that is lasting
That conquers all
The seesaw journey that life almost often takes us all on
But when love is not broken
Not lost
Always alive, always full of passion and long for more
Then how can I or you or you rmate ever lose?
Love, love, capitalize it if you want
For when it’s in the center of your heart
The likelihood is that it’s there to stay.

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