Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hungry Drive

Out here in this world of ever-changing ways, perception
And, of course challenges
There’s no such thing as a guarantee
For each day we all must answer a bell per say
But, unfortunately, it’s not always easy
Struggle, often of the unknown, yet also often of the repeated prevents
Staggers, wobbles, discombobulates, leaves in total disarray
So, in battered times, all any us can really do
Is pray and hope and dream for the day where every challenge
No matter the result
Just seems easy
Where every obstacle
No matter the height, distance, you name it
Just seems irrelevant
Because your mind is too strong to be conquered
Too strong to allow setbacks drain your electricity, spirit
Your passion and drive to continue on at any cost
Seeking with sparkle in your eyes
An incredible burn in your heart endless hunger
Always hunger
Because the chase is never the same without hunger
As hunger invigorates, motivates, stimulates
So, if you don’t have it
Get it
Keep it
Then develop even stronger hunger
Mindful, quite naturally, that you’ll go up against people with their own hunger
Which is why this world is filled with no guarantees
But hungry people
Yeah, that helps keep the mind always running.

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