Thursday, June 4, 2009

Connecting In And Out of the Bed

Connecting In And Out of the Bed
Making love to her in the bed is not good
If I cannot connect with her outside of it
Because what’s the sense in rocking bedposts, drenching sheets
If all we do is fuss when we’re in the streets?
Simple stuff that unfortunately magnifies
Leads to ugly words being said
Feelings being hurt
Remembrance of hot and spicy sex being overshadowed by anger
And never does it seem to matter who’s right or wrong
Just that a connection is screwed
Or was never really there in the first place
Not out of the bed
Which ultimately ends the good times in the bed
A cheerless path traveled by both the single and married
All because before that first or second or third or multiple times multiple lays
A connection on all levels
Family, financial, spiritual just was not always made
And no matter how nice and juicy she might always be
Or electrifying I might be
A lack of connection outside of the bed
Always results in that hook up in the bed eventually ending
Sad and unfortunate
But spoken words, indeed.

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